Welcome to the It's My Birthday Blog Hop! Happy Birthday to Jennifer!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and get to relax and craft to your hearts content! Thank you Jennifer for inviting me to be in this fun birthday hop! If you just happened to hop onto my page and would like to start at the beginning click on http://www.craftycardgallery.blogspot.com/ to see all the amazing birthday projects! If you just came from Jessica then you are in the right spot!
For my project I made a Birthday Spinner Card! I love these cards. :)
Your next stop is Kimberley !!!!
Just in case you lose your place here is the entire line up!
1 Crafty Card Gallery www.craftycardgallery.blogspot.com
2 Alina http://neverstopscrapping.blogspot.com/
3 Meighen http://Scrappin3rdeeschik.blogspot.com/
4 Lisa T http://bitbythecricutbug.blogspot.com/
5 Pam http://www.pammejo-scrapbookflair.com/
6 Lezlye www.lezlyes.blogspot.com
7 Denise http://deesdesignsfrommyheart.blogspot.com/
8 Nicolette (Be...yond Scrapin) www.beyondscrapin.blogspot.com
9 Ellen Jarvis (Cardmonkey) www.cardmonkey-business.blogspot.com
11 Miss Adri http://www.macheriecreations.com/
12 Giselle http://crossmyheartpapercrafts.blogspot.com/
13 Cammy http://www.pinkroomtherapy.com/
14 Ashley http://www.theglamoroussideofscrapping.blogspot.com/
15 Vera www.lingshappyplace.blogspot.com
16 Courtney http://keekerzcrafts.blogspot.com/
17 Laverne http://acraftershaven.blogspot.com/
18 Lissa Marie http://www.somanycrafts.wordpress.com/
19 Sandy http://acolourfulworld.blogspot.com/
20 Audrey http://audreyscardsbydesign.blogspot.com/
21 Brandi http://learningthecricut.com/
22 Cherie http://cheriescraps.blogspot.com/
23 Jamie http://craftygirl21.blogspot.com/
24 Shel http://Shellyrharris.blogspot.com/
25 Jenny http://jennyplace26.blogspot.com/
26 Laura http://scrappycraftcorner.blogspot.com/
27 Leslie Rahye http://leslierahye.blogspot.com/
28 Lucy http://love2createitall.blogspot.com/
29 Michelle (Scrappin with my Bug) http://www.scrappinwithmybug.com/
30 Monica http://simplycricutting.blogspot.com/
31 Dawn http://dawnsdesignsthatdelight.blogspot.com/
32 Shawnee http://quiverofangels.blogspot.com/
33 Sigrid http://lovescrapreflect.blogspot.com/
34 Scraps to treasure http://scraps2treasure.blogspot.com
35 Haidee http://created2bunique.blogspot.com/
36 jessica http://customcreationsbyjessica.blogspot.com
37 Kim http://rickettscricuts.blogspot.com/ ................................ you are here
38 Kimberley http://kimberlydianespapercrafts.blogspot.com/ ......your next stop!
39 Liz www.mywhichcraft.blogspot.com
40 Lori http://savingmine.blogspot.com/
41 Jennifer A http://creativearmywife.blogspot.com/
2 Alina http://neverstopscrapping.
3 Meighen http://Scrappin3rdeeschik.
4 Lisa T http://bitbythecricutbug.b
5 Pam http://www.pammejo-scrapbo
6 Lezlye www.lezlyes.blogspot.com
7 Denise http://deesdesignsfrommyhe
8 Nicolette (Be...yond Scrapin) www.beyondscrapin.blogspot
9 Ellen Jarvis (Cardmonkey) www.cardmonkey-business.bl
11 Miss Adri http://www.macheriecreatio
12 Giselle http://crossmyheartpapercr
13 Cammy http://www.pinkroomtherapy
14 Ashley http://www.theglamoroussid
15 Vera www.lingshappyplace.blogsp
16 Courtney http://keekerzcrafts.blogs
17 Laverne http://acraftershaven.blog
18 Lissa Marie http://www.somanycrafts.wo
19 Sandy http://acolourfulworld.blo
20 Audrey http://audreyscardsbydesig
21 Brandi http://learningthecricut.c
22 Cherie http://cheriescraps.blogsp
23 Jamie http://craftygirl21.blogsp
24 Shel http://Shellyrharris.blogs
25 Jenny http://jennyplace26.blogsp
26 Laura http://scrappycraftcorner.
27 Leslie Rahye http://leslierahye.blogspo
28 Lucy http://love2createitall.bl
29 Michelle (Scrappin with my Bug) http://www.scrappinwithmyb
30 Monica http://simplycricutting.bl
31 Dawn http://dawnsdesignsthatdel
32 Shawnee http://quiverofangels.blog
33 Sigrid http://lovescrapreflect.bl
34 Scraps to treasure http://scraps2treasure.blogspot.c
35 Haidee http://created2bunique.blo
36 jessica http://customcreationsbyjessica.b
37 Kim http://rickettscricuts.blo
38 Kimberley http://kimberlydianespaper
39 Liz www.mywhichcraft.blogspot.
40 Lori http://savingmine.blogspot
41 Jennifer A http://creativearmywife.bl
Spinner cards are on my list to try out next! Yours is very cute.
I am OF COURSE a follower, and today, a fellow hop stop. Swing on by and visit me, too!
Ellen ♥ CardMonkey
Love spinner cards. This one is awesome. I love DCWV cardstock.
that is such a great card, I have to figure out how to make a spinner card!! tfs
What a great card and thanks for inforamtion as to where to go to learn how to make a spinner card.
wonderful cute card calebwmartin@yahoo.com
I love spinner cards too. Great job!
Super cute! I'm excited to start following you. TFS
Adorable Kim!!!
Love the colors. TFS
Very cute card. Thanks for the inspiration and link to video on how to make a spinner card. TFS
Love your spinner, Kim - great job! TFS!
pam_lash at yahoo dot com
I love spinner cards too!
Super cute card! Love that it's a spinner - even more fun!
Thanks so much for being part of the blog hop & for helping make my birthday weekend so awesome!
craftycardgallery at gmail dot com
What an adorable card!!! Love the spinner cards!! They are soooo fun!!! Another marvelous card, Kim!! TFS!!! :)
Very nice! I love the layout of this card
Cute card.
Super cute!
Very Cute!
Love your card and thanks for the link!!
miller896042 at bellsouth dot net
Great job Kim. I absolutely love spinner cards. TFS and the inspiration. Scrappy hugs coming your way.
Christel (Scrappin' Sista)
askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com
I love your project. TFS. I am a follower.
LOVE it!! Your spinner card is GREAT!!
Great card TFS
mbchoj at aol dot com
Very cute card. Just too sweet.
I'm a follower.
Thanks for the chance to win.
http: // mamawann. blogspot. com/
annadowdy at gmail dot com
Cute job! I love the hat.
Wow! This is such a happy spinner card. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. I am a follower. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com
That paper is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing.
ooh another spinner card, awesome job with everything. You made great choices with the colors, accents, and the bow was icing on the cake. TFS
infinitedreams50 at aol dot com
Thanks for sharing your card. I have never made that kind before. Will check out the tutorial and try it out.
I am a follower :)
ScrappinAnn at gmail dot com
www.annlenth.blogspot.com... please visit my blog and help me reach 150 followers.... thanks ;)
I love making spinner cards.
Katsews at gmail dotcom
Cute card!
karenskapin at yahoo dot com
Great card Kim! These spinner cards are so cool - one of these days I am going to try to make one :)
rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com
I made several spinner cards today, and I had a blast.. It is so relaxing. You have a nice card, I follow you now and I am enjoying the Birthday blog hop.
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